Monday, February 1, 2010

Sluts In Lewisburg,pa. Why Are Some Girls In College Beer Sluts?

Why are some girls in college beer sluts? - sluts in lewisburg,pa.

Why do some girls prostitutes beer in school? You know the type, preppy party girl.


Monroe said...

Now I know that girls in middle school and high. I'm just the only way to attract attention through festivals, alcohol and sex, wake up to, etc. Some people ...

Lily said...

What a fucking beer? All I know is .... no matter how drunk I am, I never go with any kind .... I know what the people like a drunk girl. I am quite surprised that I have so much control, even when I was in a stupor most of the drunks.

godless and free said...

Lack of intelligence, perhaps.

D G said...

They look like something bad, you get a little alcohol in them and they will do everything you want, its great

introver... said...

they want attention

msc said...

They are the best. Just have fun and go with it.

Dave W said...

This is the only way, attention

Phylicia... said...

because you never leave the house for life and have a certain freedom

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